Friday, February 6, 2015

memories of Dad

I just want to share some pictures and memories of Dad today.

Dad could be pretty silly--certainly not all the time.
I love this picture because it shows that side of him.

Dad and I shoveling snow around Christmastime one year.
I spent a lot of time working alongside my dad. I appreciate
that he taught me how to work and think and solve problems
and that he listened to my ideas and helped answer
my questions.

Dad gazing out into the Pacific Ocean at Seaside, Oregon.
He always enjoyed nature.

Mom and Dad at their 50th wedding anniversary.
I just love the way he's looking at my mom.

Mom and Dad with my nephew, who got to spend
a lot of time at their house as he was growing up.

Dad, Mom, and I on a train ride during one of our
family reunions.

Mom and Dad relaxing at another reunion

Mom, Dad, and my sister, Lori, at Yellowstone

Dad and I at an Indian ruin in Arizona. When I was
a teenager we took a family vacation down through
Arizona and visited many ruins.

Mom, me, and Dad at my graduation from Ricks College.
Dad was always there at the important events in my life.

This is at my brother's wedding reception. He's holding
my niece. I love his big, happy smile.

My wedding day. Dad was the last one to give me a hug
after we were sealed. I'll never forget that.

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