Thursday, September 18, 2014

Honors and Awards

The first awards were for my in-laws. Each of them received the Silver Beaver, the highest honor a BSA council can award. Grandpa has served for many years in Boy Scouts and Grandma in Cub Scouts. They give dedicated and selfless service and I am grateful for their examples. 

We had a family dinner after the ceremony and all those who wore their scout uniforms gathered for a picture. Of the seven boys in the family, all of them earned their Eagle Scout! Pretty impressive...

Next was my cousin, Roy, who retired after 30 years of service in the Air Force. I'm glad I was able to be there to support him and his family. His dad also served in the Air Force and one of his daughters just finished basic training. I'm grateful for those willing to serve our country in the armed forces.

Roy's wife and 3 daughters were also given an award.

The event was held at the Hill Aerospace Museum. S and I
enjoyed looking at all the airplanes and helicopters.
And last, but by no means least, Nathan was awarded his Wood Badge for scouting. He attended the camp last summer and has worked on his tickets since then. It takes quite a bit of time and effort to achieve. I'm proud of him!

Go Daddy (from our little cheezer!)

And one last picture of us while we were out on a Sunday drive.

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