Sunday, July 5, 2015

candy bomber was not the bomb

So I heard about the candy bomber doing probably his last drop in Orem as part of the Freedom Festival and I was excited about going from the minute I heard about it. However, it was rather a disappointment. Nathan didn't really want to go, but finally changed his mind and agreed to come (read: decided to please pouty wife). And my mom came with us, too. I thought if we got there half an hour early we'd be doing great, but there were a TON of people there by then. Traffic was terrible, finding a parking spot was ridiculous and it was really hot. Nathan dropped us off and we found a spot in the shade with the MASSES. I tried to tell S she probably wouldn't get a candybar, but that of course didn't actually register with her. 

Finally the planes flew over and I kept trying to take a picture each time. I was so engrossed in this effort that I actually never saw the candy being dropped!! Of course it was a ways from us, too, but it was all over very quickly and we didn't even see anyone who had gotten a candybar! And then S was disappointed about not getting one.

The only redeeming thing that happened was running into a friend from my single days whom I haven't seen in a few years. It was fun to chat with her and see her family.

We waited in the shade for a while for traffic to ease up a little and then Nathan made the trek to the car to pick us up. I probably should have stayed home and watched it on the news! Everyone was a good sport, though. I suppose it could have been worse. :)

There is the candy bombing plane. See, I got a picture.

Selfie of S, Me, and Mom

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