Friday, March 13, 2015

move to

LDS Family Services finally made the announcement that they will pay for couples approved through them to have their profiles hosted on for a year. We knew it was coming, but expected it sooner than it came. I think the delay was because just launched major changes to the couples profiles pages (and the improvement is significant! It looks much better and provides much more functionality than it did previously. Plus, it's now located under instead of There was a conference in Salt Lake we attended to learn about Being techies ourselves, there wasn't a lot to learn. However, we were able to get some feedback from a birth mother there about our existing profile on and that was helpful. 

We are still working to get our profile set up (having scanner problems), but will hopefully have it up soon! I'll post a link to it here once it's set up.

S talks every day about her "baby sister." I hope and pray she is blessed to be a big sister. There will be 2 extremely disappointed girls in our house if this doesn't happen! (We'd be happy with a boy or girl, but she obviously has her preference!) Some days it seems like it will be a reality for us and other days it's hard to have hope.

We had a babysitter arranged for longer than the conference took, so we enjoyed some time together in SLC. We looked around at City Creek for a bit and then had a delicious Belgian waffle at Bruges. We had the torpedo, which has chocolate inside the waffle, with vanilla bean ice cream on top--yum!

Happy faces after our torpedo waffle

We liked this pig sculpture near Bruges

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