Friday, January 30, 2015

Goodbye Dad

My dad passed away last week after battling cancer for over 2 years. It was really hard watching him grow weaker and weaker over the last little while. I'm truly thankful that I could be there to help when I could, even though I didn't do much. I felt honored to serve him. Towards the end, we just prayed that his suffering would be over. Finally the time came and it was still a blow to all of us, even though we knew it was coming. Death feels so final and permanent! We had some special, sacred time with him as a family at the end that I will always remember. I will also always remember some heart-wrenching moments

We just had his funeral and everything went really well. Many cousins, aunts, uncles, other relatives and friends came both to the viewing the night before and the services. I appreciate all the effort made by so many to be there. It was really good to visit with family I don't see very often. The talks and music were comforting and a good tribute to Dad. My uncle Doyle said Dad was a "master machinist" and I didn't realized he was that good. 

My parents' ward has done SO much for my mom! They've been amazing. Some neighbors put flags in the yards of all the houses along their street. They collected money and gave it to my mom so she could buy something to plant in Dad's honor. They provided a wonderful luncheon. They have just loved and looked after them the whole time they've been there, which really isn't very long.

I appreciate my friends and family from Nathan's side who have reached out to comfort me and Nathan during this time. It's a hard time. After the funeral I felt so drained. I heard my mom describe the day as a "dark day." Saying goodbye to Dad is heartbreaking. Seeing my mom suffering and in anguish is torture. 

But I do know that Dad lives on! I know he is free from the pain he bore for so long. I know he is with loved ones who have died. I know that because of Christ's Atonement, the bitter sting of death is gone! I know I will see my dad again. I know there is more to our existence that just this life on earth. It is such a comfort. Having Dad gone is still painful and he will be sorely missed, but the separation isn't permanent and it isn't final!

Dad lived a good, full life. He served the Lord faithfully through his life, even to the very end. He was a devoted husband and father and his family was always a priority. He worked hard all his life and found satisfaction in his work. He left a legacy to his 9 children, 5 sons- and daughters-in-law, 25 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren that will forever bless our lives. It's amazing to consider the influence of one good man.

I'm so grateful that I've had his influence in my life. I hope I can honor him by the life I live and by how I teach my child. I love you, Dad.

Display table at funeral - Dad was a handyman
Growing up, I thought he could fix anything!

Flags on their street

My nephews were the pallbearers

Dad's "pine box"

My brother with my mom

My cutie and I

Our family - minus Dad :(

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Someone had a birthday

Yep, that'd be me!! I had a great birthday with celebrations lasting 3 days. One day just isn't enough ;-) Nathan picked up Kneaders french toast for us for breakfast, which I LOVE. He gave me a nice indoor/outdoor thermometer and crystal goblets that just arrived today. I love pretty dishes. We intended to go out to eat at The Cheesecake Factory but the wait time was too long so we changed plans and ate at The Macaroni Grill instead. Nathan's brother and his family joined us which was really fun. I always enjoy hanging out with them. After dinner we had cake and ice cream with my parents and my sister and her daughter who happened to be in town. It was great to spend time with family and friends.

Nathan's mom invited us to dinner for my birthday and we had a delicious meal with good conversation and some singing afterwards. And the next day my friends, Becky and Monica, took me out to dinner. My mom and sister watched S so I was able to just go and visit with my dear friends.

In addition the Relief Society brought a card by, my neighbor dropped off a loaf of sweet bread, and I received many birthday wishes on Facebook. Nathan also bought flowers for me! All in all, I felt VERY loved and that always makes me feel humble and grateful for so many wonderful people in my life.

S and Daddy making my birthday cake: brownie
mousse chocolate cake. It was delish!

Our little family at Macaroni Grill

Fun times at Macaroni Grill

Blowing out my candles

Friday, January 9, 2015

Jesus wants WHO for a Sunbeam???

He wants THIS cutie!! Yes, she is officially a SUNBEAM! And, believe me, she shines every day! I am so thankful for the sunshine she brings into my life!

It was S's first official day in primary and it turned out to be my last. I was released from the primary presidency the same day. I'm sad that I won't be in there with her, though I'm sure I'll be visiting from time to time. It's nice to be released and I love thinking about all the meetings I don't have to go to now, but it'll be pre-tty weird going to gospel doctrine and relief society again. It'll be good, though. We also started our church meetings at a later time now, which is SOOO nice!

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's Eve and other goings-on

Nathan was able to have lots of time off during the holidays this year and it was really nice to have him home and have time together without having a lot to do. New Year's Eve wasn't too big of a deal. We spent some of the evening with Nathan's sister and her family and came home early to get S to bed. He fell asleep getting her down and I read my book (Seabiscuit) until just before midnight when I woke Nathan. We had a New Year's Eve kiss, got ready for bed, and called it a night. (We're party animals, what can I say?)

Nathan's sister

and her youngest daughter

and her next-to-youngest daughter
All beautiful!

This little girl LOVES to make faces.

The owl jammies and Minnie Mouse
slippers were just too cute!!

Nathan's oldest brother, Jim, was visiting Utah during the holidays. We invited them to go bowling on the day of New Year's Eve and had a great time. It was S's first time bowling and she came in 2nd place! Mommy came in first (amazingly, since she is a very inconsistent bowler)! I'd like that to be a tradition for our family in the future.

We had a get-together one evening for all the family to visit with Jim and his family. S so loved having her younger cousins there to play with. She was acting pretty crazy which is not the norm when she's away from home.
Jim and 2 of his kids

S and Grandma

S and Grandpa

We've taken a liking to cold hot chocolate.
We first had it at Kneaders and loved it.
Nathan found a recipe online and tried
it out and it was very yummy, too!

The "stache" family ;)