Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Other December Events

Well, we knew it was going to be a busy December when we took a look at the calendar. And then we found out S was having a birthday 4 TIMES! Busy indeed!

Nathan playing a minute-to-win-it game at the ward party.
And "win-it" he did! Notice S with her ears plugged. She's very
sensitive to noise, but it was REALLY loud during the games.

I conducted my first eagle court of honor

playing at the park on a warm day

playing in the snow on a not-so-warm day

We saw "The Force Awakens" on opening day.
Nathan bought tickets well in advance and we
had his brother, brother-in-law, 3 nephews, and my
sister join us. I didn't get any pictures because it
was just a crazy night. After the movie we hurried
to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert.
I LOVED the movie!! The concert was great, but it
was a stressful night for me.

our family

Fun trip to the aquarium with grandma and cousins

Making Christmas ornaments with more cousins. So fun!

And now...

Monday, December 28, 2015


We had a really nice Christmas. This year we spent Christmas with Nathan's family (for the most part). Christmas Eve day was spent preparing food so I wouldn't have to do it on Christmas, cleaning, and visiting the dinosaur museum (Nathan's first time). Then we headed to Grandma's. I played and we sang some songs while everyone else finished their dinner. Then we convened in the living room and the girls buried Grandma in teddy bears. =)

Dino museum
Grandma got run over by some teddy bears

Grandma and Nathan read some stories and we sang some songs and then acted out the nativity. This time we dressed up as shepherds (most of us), turned off the lights, and the angel (Grandpa) appeared and told us Baby Jesus had been born. We took our candles and sheep (teddy bears) downstairs and found the Baby Jesus and finished the story there. Grandma asked each of us how we have served someone. Aunt Mannie read the Cajun Night Before Christmas. Then we had the traditional grape juice (substituted for mulled wine) and shortbread.

Our sweet little shepherd
We woke to a LOT of snow on Christmas morning and Nathan went out immediately and began to shovel our driveway and sidewalks (he is fastidious about keeping them cleared and dry) so S and I began opening gifts without him. I invited my Mom, sister, and brother over for breakfast. They were celebrating together and I was worried about it being a hard day for my mom since it's the first Christmas since we lost my dad. They brought more presents and we made our way through opening everything eventually. 

We finally made it to Nathan's parents' after more shoveling, and after S's dollhouse was assembled, and after we all got ready. S fell asleep on the way there, but I was glad she could have a nap. We had a lovely dinner, visited with a brother and some of his family, and played Nathan's new Star Wars trivia game. 

Christmas morning

Darth Vader (or Dark Vader as S says) mug

S and her dollhouse. The best part about it
is that it has a working doorbell!

I felt a lot closer to the Savior this season. I let Him in better than I often do. I'm grateful for the humble circumstances of His birth. I think it's fitting that shepherds were the first to hear of the birth of the Good Shepherd. I know Jesus Christ lived on earth long ago and that He lives today and I'm so grateful for that knowledge. I'm grateful for the light He brings into my life, which is as much as I'll allow. I'm also grateful for all the things and people that help redirect me to Christ. I need those constant, gentle reminders.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Temple Square

We decided to visit Temple Square while the temperatures were still relatively warm and that was a good plan. We picked Nathan up from work after piano lessons and after slogging through traffic. Then dinner at City Creek and light-seeing at the square. They were beautiful and S was more interested in them than ever before. She especially loved the nativities that I don't remember seeing other times. I love seeing things through her eyes. She helps me see the wonder and the simpleness that I sometimes miss. 

Nathan brought along his nice camera and
got some great shots

S just loves these lights at City Creek

The temple in the reflecting pool - I get photo credit for this one

Friday, December 11, 2015

Governor's Mansion

Nathan received a Christmas card from the Governor and Lieutenant Governor and an invitation to a holiday open house at the Governor's Mansion. He was elected to be an alternate state delegate for our precinct and one of the delegates backed out so he's been filling that role for several months now. So we weren't too surprised when the cards and invitation came. We decided to go to the open house since it's a rare opportunity we thought we shouldn't miss. Once we got there we started wondering how he had been invited since there are thousands of state delegates and, while there were plenty of people there, the numbers still didn't reflect a group that large. Nathan has talked to Governor Herbert a couple times and once with Lieutenant Governor Cox and he attended the last Republican convention, but we're still not sure how he got on the invite list! Oh well, carpe diem!

The mansion is beautiful and very ornate. We had plenty of time to enjoy it as we waited in line to see the Governor. We waited at least half an hour to meet him, his wife, the Lt. Governor Cox, and his wife and it took a lengthy 10 seconds to say hello, shake their hands, and snap a picture, but it was worth it. They are very gracious. We enjoyed some refreshments, then picked up S only to find she'd had a potty accident. Bummer :( 

Anyway, it was a unique experience and a nice evening!

And here we are! Proof!

Looking up to the 3rd floor. The wood work
was beautiful.

I like the beehives on this tree

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving with my family this year and we had a great day. Just my little food assignment took all morning to prepare. I decided to tackle making a lemon meringue pie since I've never made one before. It turned out pretty well and was well-liked, but my meringue did get weepy. Oh well.

We had a large gathering of 27 people. My sister, Lynda, and her kids came down from Idaho, and my sister, Cheryl, and her husband had all of their kids with their families there; plus us, my brother, Mark, and my brother, Eric, and his family minus his son on a mission. S was very nervous with so many people there. The same was true the next night at a Pie Party with Nathan's family. We're used to the loud ruckus that ensues when our large families congregate, but it's still not something she's used to. Both times she warmed up after a while and played with the other kids. She's been wanting to see Aunt Lynda and got to spend some time playing/pillow fighting with her and had a great time.

My mom was finally able to move into the addition to her house shortly before Thanksgiving, and it proved to be a great place for all of us to eat and spend time together in (that was a major reason my parents wanted to add on to the house). We had a delicious meal, helped clean things up, and stayed and visited for the rest of the day. It was different not having my dad there, but it was busy enough and new enough that it wasn't as hard. I'm not sure that will be the case when Christmas comes.

I'm grateful for the peace and happiness in my life. I'm so grateful to be a wife and mother. I still give thanks every day that I'm blessed to be married and to have my beautiful daughter. Family always has and continues now to be the source of great happiness in my life. I've been richly blessed.

S and I allll ready for eating!

A view of the crew

My lemon meringue pie

All of the yummy pie selections

I helped her make this headband after dinner

dog piling with Aunt Lynda

Sunday, November 15, 2015

fall festivities

Here are a few of the fun things we've been doing this fall.

  • Cornbelly's: S had reaaaally wanted to go to HeeHaw's, but finally settled for Cornbelly's. We went on a very windy, chilly evening, but still had a fun time. There's a lot to see there, but I still kinda like HeeHaw's better (plus it's not as pricey).

I love her silly, wide-eyed face in this one. :p
This was while we waited to go on the wagon ride.

Daddy and his girl in a carriage. So sweet!

Another silly face. Her favorite part was the bouncing pillow.
It was fun watching her run and bounce on it.

  • Spudnuts: For the second year in a row my mom and 2 sisters and I rolled out and fried our favorite fall doughnut. It goes much faster with all of us helping and it's fun doing it together.

  • Pumpkin carving...er...decorating: I actually carved mine, but Daddy and S used the Mr Potato Head and Darth Tater parts for theirs.

  • Halloween party: We had some of Nathan's high school friends who live in the area over for a simple Halloween party. I didn't have the greatest time at the party, but I enjoyed making some Halloween themed foods such as bones and blood (breadsticks and marinara sauce) and witch's hat cookies.

  • Trick or treating: not once, not twice, but 3 times! The ward trunk-or-treat, Daddy's work, and Halloween night. We didn't go to too many houses on Halloween, but she still has candy. And with going to Mickey's Halloween party in Disneyland it kinda feels like we did Halloween twice this year. Oh well. Multiple trick or treating opportunities gave S the chance to dress up in different costumes. First she was Ariel. She LOVES Ariel!! I think she would give up her legs to have a fin in a heartbeat. :) It's just too bad that she can't swim! When I reminded her she'd been planning to dress up as Elsa for a long time, she decided to be Elsa later. So, including Disneyland, she got to be Anna, Ariel, and Elsa! Nathan and I dressed up as Darth Vader and Princess Leia again for the ward party and even won a prize. It is fun to dress up, it's just kind of a pain to come up with an idea and then put together a costume sometimes. I'm glad we did this year, though.

  • Mums: not a fall activity, but they made my fall a little brighter. I watered them alllll summer long and asked myself why I was bothering to, but when they finally bloomed again in the fall I was glad I kept them alive. They were a cheerful sight to see outside my back door.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

just had to share

My brother and his family have been a foster family to a young boy. He came from horrible circumstances (that's all I will say about that!). They've had him for about a year and have been working to adopt him over the last few months. This week the adoption was finalized! Even the judge, with the many cases that he sees, remembered this one and remarked at what a difference he saw in this little boy. It makes me so happy to think how much better his life is and will continue to be as part of my brother's family! It's rather amazing to me. And it makes me think more seriously about looking into being foster parents. =)

And to make the story EVEN sweeter, we were able to see him sealed to my brother and his wife! It was really a special experience to witness a new member being sealed to their family forever. I'm so glad I could be there.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

She's 4!!

Our little girl just had her 4th birthday! We decided to let her have a small birthday party with friends. She's been wanting a pinata for months and that ended up being her favorite part. It was crazy, but lots of fun. Then we had grandparents, my sister, and Jeff and Cherie over for cake and ice cream (and plenty of presents). She had a good day. She kept telling us that on her birthday she was going to get up early and jump on our bed and tell us that it's her birthday. Well, Daddy was already gone to work, but she managed to get up before me and tell me. =) We visited my mom that day and played at the curiosity museum for a little while. I'm sure grateful to have this smart, kind, gentle soul in my life.

Love her sweet smile.
She wanted a Little Mermaid theme.

some of the cuties

pinata time! I think all the kids loved it.

all of the cuties

My older sisters would squeeze frosting for
decorating on my fingernails for "polish."
The tradition continues..

Her Ariel birthday cake

S and her new Elsa doll.
She got lots of fun presents.

We're SOOO happy to have her in our family!