Today S and I visited Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. We had a fun time, except when it was time to go home and she screamed in the car all the way home. That part did not make the fun list. Otherwise, we got to see lots of farm animals, she got to go on a pony ride, we went on a wagon ride, and she got to play in the area where you learn about how food is grown and harvested. It was warm and nice being outside, but not hot. And it was good to do something out of the ordinary, for mommy :)
Ride 'em cowgirl!!
Just us girls out for a wagon ride, like we do every day ;)
There's more than one way to ride a tractor...
But...this way might be a bit more comfortable.
Also, I painted her toenails for the first time. She wanted the same color I had just used. She sat still and watched TV until they were dry, too!
One day this week we walked around by the library and city buildings. It was kinda fun to look and wander around.
One more picture of my silly girl. No, the shirt and pj bottoms don't match really well, but when she added the polka dot leg we're talking!